Ltd. "GTG - Georgian Trading Group" was founded on 9 June 2011. The main activity of the organization is to import different products. The imported goods are expressed in two main directions: different types of lighting equipment and pumping machines.
The supplied lighting equipment is fully compatible with European and international standards, manufactured in different European and Asian countries (France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Turkey, China). The company has concluded international agreements with exclusive distribution of products with partner companies Philips lighting and Faelluce, as well as collaborations with Castaldi, Navigator, Safe Rain, OMS, Valmont, Mitas, Ligthing Technologie.
The organization has an experienced design department that prepares high quality projects. The division collects the necessary materials for the project, according to the optimal selection of lighting equipment for the implementation of the project. The projects are made directly by the project, and the projects made on the basis of their complexity are sent to partner companies whose products have been used, after which the final verification is done, if necessary, and final giving.
The Complex Complex Complex Complex consists of project works, the supply of the materials provided by the project, their installation, and the final stage of the project to take care of the purpose of the project, which conforms to the real picture project. Besides, in case of demand of the customer, we carry out the service of the service during the warranty period.
Through the laboratory on our company, we can complete the full spectrum measurement-inspection of the illumination, based on the relevant license. Measurement is carried out in accordance with international standards, and may also measure measurements in accordance with the individual, specific technical tasks, according to the will of the customer and its comparison with international standards.